Project Entitlements


I once had a client say that "California is great place to make money in the land development business if you can stomach the process".  There's certainly some truth to that statement given the ever increasing number of rules and regulations that affect the land entitlement process.  We understand how the regulations work and provide a range of planning services focused on serving as your advocate, liaison and/or project manager.  These include:

  • Due diligence review;
  • Entitlement planning;
  • Entitlement application preparation/submittal;
  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance;
  • Technical study preparation - Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas and Noise;
  • Conditions of Approval negotiation; and
  • Public hearing representation.

Permitting services include the following:

  • Conditional Use Permits;
  • Rezones;
  • Tentative Parcel Map/Tentative Tract Map;
  • General and Specific Plan Amendments;
  • Section 401/404 and Streambed Alteration Agreements

We provide "boots on the ground" support working closely with the project team,  regulators and permitting agencies to anticipate and avoid issues that can cause unnecessary delays and add costs. Bottom line - we understand how the entitlement process works, we know where to look for pitfalls and are dedicated to ensuring the process is as smooth and efficient as possible.