CEQA Compliance


The California Environmental Quality Act - commonly referred to as CEQA - is a focal point of the discretionary review process. CEQA regulations require that potential environmental impacts associated with development projects be identified, evaluated and mitigated when necessary. The process can range from simple to complex depending on the site, the scale of the project and surrounding properties.  Understanding how all the puzzle pieces fit together as well as potential cost and schedule implications, required in part by CEQA, is important from an investment perspective. Because CEQA is a hurdle in the discretionary review process, having a reasonably good understanding of how the process will unfold allows the permitting agency to make the best decision regarding the level of CEQA review needed and the applicant an opportunity to factor costs, potential mitigation requirements and timeline into the budget.  BPG services include preparation of:

  • Categorical Exemptions
  • Initial Studies
  • Environmental Impact Reports
  • Addendums
  • Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent
  • Notice of Completion
  • Notice of Determination preparation and filing with the County Clerk
  • Coordination with the State Clearinghouse for document circulation and review

CEQA Plus is the review process required by the State Water Board as part of the  Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. Prior to the allocation of federal funds to complete water resource related projects, the SWB requires a project be evaluated for consistency with federal environmental regulations.  These are referred to as cross-cutters and generally refer to federal regulations that have counterparts at the state level. An Environmental Package is submitted to the SWB as part of the overall application demonstrating compliance with federal regulations.